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Data Science

Data Science

 Data Science course involves covering a wide range of topics, from foundational concepts to advanced techniques and applications.

### Course Title: Comprehensive Data Science: From Fundamentals to Advanced Applications

### **Module 1: Introduction to Data Science 
1. **Overview of Data Science:**
– Definition and scope
– History and evolution of data science
– Applications of data science across industries
2. **Data Science Process:**
– Steps in a data science project (define, collect, process, analyze, visualize, communicate)
– Roles and responsibilities of a data scientist

### **Module 2: Data Science Tools and Environment 
1. **Programming Languages:**
– Introduction to Python and R
– Setting up the environment (Anaconda, Jupyter Notebooks, RStudio)
2. **Essential Libraries and Packages:**
– NumPy, pandas, scikit-learn, matplotlib, seaborn (Python)
– dplyr, ggplot2, tidyr (R)
3. **Version Control:**
– Introduction to Git and GitHub
– Basic Git commands and workflows

### **Module 3: Data Collection and Preprocessing
1. **Data Types and Sources:**
– Structured vs. unstructured data
– Databases, APIs, web scraping, and public datasets
2. **Data Cleaning:**
– Handling missing data
– Data transformation and normalization
– Outlier detection and treatment
3. **Data Integration:**
– Merging and concatenating datasets
– Handling duplicate data

### **Module 4: Exploratory Data Analysis 
1. **Descriptive Statistics:**
– Measures of central tendency and dispersion
– Correlation and covariance
2. **Data Visualization:**
– Plotting with matplotlib and seaborn (Python)
– Creating visualizations with ggplot2 (R)
– Interactive visualization tools (Plotly, Tableau)
3. **Feature Engineering:**
– Creating new features from existing data
– Feature scaling and encoding categorical variables

### **Module 5: Probability and Statistics 
1. **Probability Theory:**
– Basic probability concepts and rules
– Probability distributions (normal, binomial, Poisson)
2. **Inferential Statistics:**
– Hypothesis testing
– Confidence intervals
– p-values and significance testing

### **Module 6: Machine Learning Basics 
1. **Supervised Learning:**
– Regression (linear, polynomial, logistic)
– Classification (k-NN, decision trees, random forests)
2. **Unsupervised Learning:**
– Clustering (k-means, hierarchical)
– Dimensionality reduction (PCA, t-SNE)
3. **Model Evaluation:**
– Train-test split, cross-validation
– Metrics for regression (MAE, MSE, RMSE) and classification (accuracy, precision, recall, F1 score)

### **Module 7: Advanced Machine Learning 
1. **Ensemble Methods:**
– Bagging, boosting, stacking
– Gradient boosting machines (XGBoost, LightGBM)
2. **Neural Networks and Deep Learning:**
– Introduction to neural networks
– Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs)
– Recurrent Neural Networks (RNNs) and LSTMs
3. **Model Deployment:**
– Saving and loading models
– Using Flask/Django for web deployment
– Introduction to cloud platforms (AWS, Google Cloud, Azure)

### **Module 8: Natural Language Processing (NLP)
1. **Text Preprocessing:**
– Tokenization, stemming, lemmatization
– Stop words removal
2. **Text Representation:**
– Bag-of-Words, TF-IDF
– Word embeddings (Word2Vec, GloVe)
3. **NLP Applications:**
– Sentiment analysis
– Named entity recognition
– Text classification

### **Module 9: Big Data Technologies 
1. **Introduction to Big Data:**
– Characteristics of big data (volume, velocity, variety, veracity)
– Overview of Hadoop ecosystem
2. **Spark for Big Data Processing:**
– Introduction to Apache Spark
– RDDs, DataFrames, and Spark SQL
3. **NoSQL Databases:**
– Introduction to NoSQL
– Working with MongoDB and Cassandra

### **Module 10: Data Science Ethics and Communication
1. **Ethical Considerations:**
– Bias and fairness in algorithms
– Data privacy and security
– Ethical decision-making in data science
2. **Communicating Results:**
– Storytelling with data
– Creating impactful visualizations
– Writing clear and concise reports

### **Module 11: Capstone Project 
1. **Project Definition:**
– Selecting a real-world problem
– Defining objectives and scope
2. **Project Execution:**
– Data collection and preprocessing
– Model building and evaluation
3. **Presentation and Review:**
– Presenting findings and insights
– Peer review and feedback

### **Additional Resources:**
– Reference materials (books, online courses, tutorials)
– Practice datasets and exercises
– Software installation guides and technical support

This outline ensures a structured learning path from basic to advanced data science skills, providing a balanced mix of theoretical knowledge and practical application.

Cost Duration: 1 Month and 2 weeks

Session: 3 Classes Weekly

Course Outline: Python, SQL

Course Amount: N80,000 (Naira)

$49 USD

Course Completion: Certificate Awarded

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