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Software Development

Software Development/Engineering

Software Development involves structuring the curriculum to cover fundamental to advanced concepts systematically. Below is a suggested course outline:

### Course Title: Comprehensive Software Development: From Fundamentals to Advanced Practices

### **Module 1: Introduction to Software Development 
1. **Overview of Software Development:**
– Introduction to software development and its lifecycle
– Types of software (system software, application software, embedded software)
2. **Development Methodologies:**
– Waterfall, Agile, Scrum, DevOps
– Choosing the right methodology for your project

### **Module 2: Programming Fundamentals 
1. **Introduction to Programming Languages:**
– Overview of popular programming languages (Python, Java, C++)
– Setting up the development environment
2. **Basic Programming Concepts:**
– Variables, data types, and operators
– Control structures (if-else, loops)
3. **Functions and Modules:**
– Defining and calling functions
– Creating and importing modules

### **Module 3: Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) (10 hours)**
1. **Core Concepts:**
– Classes and objects
– Inheritance, polymorphism, encapsulation, and abstraction
2. **Advanced OOP:**
– Interfaces and abstract classes
– Design patterns (Singleton, Factory, Observer)

### **Module 4: Data Structures and Algorithms (16 hours)**
1. **Fundamental Data Structures:**
– Arrays, linked lists, stacks, queues
– Trees (binary trees, binary search trees), graphs
2. **Algorithms:**
– Sorting algorithms (bubble sort, quicksort, mergesort)
– Searching algorithms (linear search, binary search)
– Algorithm complexity (Big O notation)

### **Module 5: Database Management
1. **Introduction to Databases:**
– Relational vs. non-relational databases
– Database design principles
2. **SQL and NoSQL:**
– Writing and optimizing SQL queries
– Introduction to NoSQL databases (MongoDB, Cassandra)
3. **Database Integration:**
– Connecting databases with applications
– ORM (Object-Relational Mapping) tools

### **Module 6: Web Development
1. **Frontend Development:**
– HTML, CSS, JavaScript
– Modern frontend frameworks (React, Angular, Vue)
2. **Backend Development:**
– Server-side programming (Node.js, Django, Flask)
– RESTful APIs and WebSockets
3. **Full Stack Development:**
– Integrating frontend and backend
– Deploying web applications

### **Module 7: Software Testing and Quality Assurance 
1. **Testing Fundamentals:**
– Types of testing (unit, integration, system, acceptance)
– Writing test cases and test plans
2. **Automated Testing:**
– Tools for automated testing (Selenium, JUnit, PyTest)
– Continuous integration and continuous deployment (CI/CD)

### **Module 8: Version Control Systems (8 hours)**
1. **Introduction to Version Control:**
– Importance of version control
– Basics of Git and GitHub
2. **Advanced Git:**
– Branching and merging
– Handling conflicts and pull requests

### **Module 9: Software Architecture and Design
1. **Software Design Principles:**
– SOLID principles, DRY, KISS
– UML diagrams and modeling
2. **Architectural Patterns:**
– MVC (Model-View-Controller), Microservices, Monolithic
– Event-driven architecture, Service-oriented architecture (SOA)

### **Module 10: DevOps and Cloud Computing 
1. **Introduction to DevOps:**
– DevOps principles and practices
– Tools (Docker, Kubernetes, Jenkins)
2. **Cloud Computing:**
– Overview of cloud services (AWS, Azure, Google Cloud)
– Deploying and managing applications in the cloud

### **Module 11: Security in Software Development 
1. **Security Fundamentals:**
– Common security threats and vulnerabilities
– Secure coding practices
2. **Application Security:**
– Implementing authentication and authorization
– Using encryption and secure communication

### **Module 12: Capstone Project 
1. **Project Definition:**
– Selecting a real-world problem
– Defining project scope and requirements
2. **Project Execution:**
– Designing and developing the software
– Testing and debugging
3. **Presentation and Review:**
– Presenting the project to peers
– Receiving feedback and making improvements

### **Additional Resources:**
– Reference materials (books, online tutorials)
– Practice exercises and project ideas
– Software installation guides and technical support

This outline ensures a structured learning path from basic to advanced software development skills, providing a balanced mix of theoretical knowledge and practical application.

Cost Duration: 1 Month and 2 weeks

Session: 3 Classes Weekly

Course Outline: Python, React, Laravel,Mysql,  HTML, CSS

Course Amount: N180,000 (Naira)

Course Completion: Certificate Awarded

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Number of years in Training Operation
100 +
Number of Graduates produced in Nigeria
1 +
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